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De meest volledige en bijgewerkte documentatie is die van Banana Boekhouding Plus: Probeer het nu

In this article

Avoid mistakes with Banana Accounting Plus

In order to facilitate checking your accounting work and to immediately find differences, in Banana Accounting Plus, our new version, we added the Balance column in the Transaction table. You can now see potential differences on each row and you can correct them right away. It is a very useful feature when closing the accounting period.
Many of our clients have already tried it and are enthusiastic about it. We advise you to switch now to Banana Accounting Plus and take advantage of the many new features.

Transactions must be entered in the Transactions table.

Speed up the input process
In order to speed up entering transactions, we suggest to activate the Smart Fill with transactions from previous year option (from the File menu choose the File and accounting properties command, Options tab), and, if you have recurring transactions, we suggest to create the Recurring transactions table, so when needed you can automatically enter them (from the Cash2, Simple2 or Account2 menu choose the Recurring transactions command).


Smart Fill
When the beginning of a text is inserted, the program shows a drop down dialog with all of the texts inserted before, by means of the Smart fill feature. Select the desired text to be inserted and press the F6 key. The program automatically inserts all the earlier inserted data of the similar line. Eventually change the amount if it is not identical to the old amount. For more information please visit the Text input, edit and Smart fill page.

Automatic Doc numbering

The program proposes the next document number, that can be resumed with the F6 key.

In case of a numeric numbering, the program simply increases the highest value found in the doc column. 

  • Alphanumeric numbering: the program increases the final numeric part; this is useful when one would like to keep a separate numbering for cash and bank movements.
    If earlier Doc number C-01 has been entered, and one starts to type C, the program proposes C-02.
    If earlier Doc number B104 has been entered, and one starts to type B, the program proposes B-105.
    If earlier Doc number D10-04 has been entered, and one starts to type D, the program proposes D10-05.

Recurring transactions
Simply copy and paste the recurring transactions from the Transactions table into the Recurring transactions table (you can open this table by choosing the Recurring transactions command from the Cash2, Simple2, Account2 menu; in the Doc column insert initials or an identification code.
When you need to recall the recurring transactions, from the Transactions table, type the initials or identification code for the memorized text in the Doc column and press the F6 key. The program automatically inserts all the transactions of the memorized rows.


Simple transactions
Simple transactions are the ones regarding two accounts (one Debit account and one Credit account) and entered in one single row. Each transaction has its own document number.

Example: withdrawal of 350.- USD from the post office account.

Composed transactions
Composed transactions have to be entered on several rows. The user should enter one account per row and there can be several counter parties in debit and/or credit.
In this case the same document number is used on all the transaction rows.

Example: payment of two different bills (electricity and telephone) from the bank account

