Time Sheet tables and columns structure

文件资料 •

In Banana Accounting javascript extensions, when referring to tables and columns, you must always use the correct nameXml.

Each table and each column has a proper nameXml. With the nameXml, tables and columns can be accessed to read the data they contain.

All tables and columns are shown below with their nameXml.

Time Sheet tables

These are the nameXml of all the tables for a Time Sheet file:

  • Journal.
    The nameXml for the Journal table that is used to set up and enter the daily data of the Time Sheet.
  • Documents.
    The nameXml for the Documents table that is used to include attachments like images, logos, text documents, HTML texts, Markdown codes, CSS stylesheet codes and Javascript codes.
  • FileInfo.
    The nameXml for the FileInfo table that is used by the program to store all the information about the currently open file.

Each table is used for a specific purpose and has dedicated columns. The structure for each table with the related columns are shown below.

Journal table

The Journal table is used to set up the Time Sheet.

All nameXml of the table columns are listed below:

  • Section
    This column is protected. It is used by the program to make a distinction between rows used for data entry and system-specific rows.
  • Date
    This column is protected. It is used for entering the date of the day.
  • TimeDayType
    This column is used to indicate the type of the day
    • Blank - business day.
    • 0 - to set the current day as a holiday.
    • 1 - to set the current day as non-working.
    • 2 - to set the current day as a working day.
    • [0] - festive day set automatically, as per the File Properties.
    • [1] - non-working day set automatically, as per the File Properties.
    • W0 - to set the current day as festive. On the same day, in the following weeks it will be automatically set with the  (0) value.
    • W1 - to set the current day as non-working day. On the same day, in the following weeks it will be automatically set with the (1) value .
    • W2 - to set the current day as a working day. On the same day, in the following weeks it will be automatically set with the (2) value.
    • WR - to reset the current day with the value indicated in the File Properties.
    • WA - to reset the current day with the value indicated in the File Properties. On the same day, in the following weeks it will be set automatically with the value indicated in the file properties.
  • TimeDayDescription
    Column used by the program for automatic insertion of the name of the day, based on the date.
  • RowType
  • Description
    This column is used to indicate an additional description.
  • Code1
    This column is used to indicate any customer, project or other number. 
  • Notes
    This column is used to indicate additional notes.
  • TimeWork1
    This column is used to indicate working hours (e.g. nights, holidays).
  • TimeWork2
    This column is used to indicate working hours (e.g. nights, holidays).
  • TimeStart1
    This column is used to indicate the starting work time.
  • TimeStop1
    This column is used to indicate the ending work time.
  • TimeStart2
    This column is used to indicate the starting work time.
  • TimeStop2
    This column is used to indicate the ending work time.
  • TimeStart3
    This column is used to indicate the starting work time.
  • TimeStop3
    This column is used to indicate the ending work time.
  • TimeStart4
    This column is used to indicate the starting work time.
  • TimeStop4
    This column is used to indicate the ending work time.
  • TimeStart5
    This column is used to indicate the starting work time.
  • TimeStop5
    This column is used to indicate the ending work time.
  • TimeWorkTotal
    This column is protected. It is used by the program to calculate the total hors worked.
    It is the sum of "(TimeStart1, TimeStop1) + (TimeStart2, TimeStop2) + (TimeStart3, TimeStop3) + (TimeStart4, TimeStop4) + (TimeStart5, TimeStop5)"
  • TimeDetailTotal
  • TimeSurchargeManual
  • TimeSurchargePercentage
  • TimeSurchargeCalculated
  • TimeSurchargeTotal
  • TimeAbsenceSick
    This column is used to indicate the hours of absence due to illness.
  • TimeAbsenceHoliday
    This column is used to indicate the holiday hours.
  • TimeAbsenceService
    This column is used to indicate mandatory absences, such as military service, community service or other.
  • TimeAbsenceOther
    This column is used to indicate other types of abscences that are not indicated in TimeAbsenceSick, TimeAbsenceHoliday, TimeAbsenceService.
  • TimeAbsenceTotal
    This column is protected. It is used by the program to automatically calculate the sum of absences.
  • TimeAdjustment
    This column is used to indicate an adjustment value.
  • TimeDayTotal
  • TimeDueCode
    This column is used to change the value of the Due (hours of work due).
    • DS (Set Today) - Set the due hours of the current day, without changing the other days.
    • WS (Set Week Day) - Sets the hours due for the day and for the same day of the following weeks.
    • PS (Set Predefined) - Sets the due hours for the day and for all subsequent days without a different setting
    • WR (Reset Week Day) - Reset the default value for the day of the week.
    • WA (Reset All Week Days) - Resets all the default values for the days of the week.
    • PR (Reset Predefined) - Reset general default. Removes the default value set previously.
    • PA (Reset Predefined and Week Days) - Reset the general default and those of the week. It is like starting everything anew.
    • RP (Restart progressive) - Restarts the value of the Progressive column from zero. You insert this code in the beginning of month row, when all hourly salaries, when all the hours of the previous month have been paid.
  • TimeDueDay
    This column is protected. The program automatically calculates the difference between the hours worked and those due. At the end of the month and year, the totals of the Due are also reported.
  • TimeDifference
    This column is protected. The program automatically calculates the difference between the hours worked (Total) and those due (Due). At the end of the month and at the end of the year, the totals of the difference are also reported.
  • TimeProgressive
    This column is protected. The program automatically calculates the difference between the hours worked (Total) and those due (Due). At the end of the month and at the end of the year, the totals of the difference are also reported.
  • TimeSplit1
    This column is used to track hours invested in projects.
  • TimeSplit2
    This column is used to track hours invested in projects.

Journal columns structure

The list of columns is shown below in JSON format, with also additional information for each column.

  "nameXml": "Journal",
  "columns": [
      "nameXml": "Section",
      "alignment": "left",
      "dataType": "text",
      "decimal": "",
      "description": "",
      "excludeFromPrinting": "",
      "header": "Section",
      "header2": "",
      "style": {
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        "bold": false,
        "italic": false
      "visible": "",
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      "width": 250
      "nameXml": "Date",
      "alignment": "right",
      "dataType": "date",
      "decimal": "",
      "description": "Date",
      "excludeFromPrinting": "",
      "header": "Date",
      "header2": "",
      "style": {
        "objectName": "",
        "backgroundColor": "",
        "color": "",
        "fontSize": 10,
        "bold": false,
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      "visible": true,
      "editable": "",
      "width": 200
      "nameXml": "TimeDayType",
      "alignment": "center",
      "dataType": "text",
      "decimal": "",
      "description": "Festive",
      "excludeFromPrinting": "",
      "header": "Festive",
      "header2": "",
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        "color": "",
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      "visible": true,
      "editable": true,
      "width": 100
      "nameXml": "TimeDayDescription",
      "alignment": "left",
      "dataType": "text",
      "decimal": "",
      "description": "Day description",
      "excludeFromPrinting": "",
      "header": "Day description",
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      "width": 400
      "nameXml": "RowType",
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      "decimal": "",
      "description": "Row type",
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      "header": "Type",
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      "dataType": "timecounter",
      "decimal": 3,
      "description": "Time work 1",
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      "description": "Time work 2",
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      "width": 120
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      "alignment": "right",
      "dataType": "timecounter",
      "decimal": 3,
      "description": "Time worked total",
      "excludeFromPrinting": "",
      "header": "Worked",
      "header2": "",
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      "alignment": "right",
      "dataType": "timecounter",
      "decimal": 3,
      "description": "Time row detail total",
      "excludeFromPrinting": "",
      "header": "Detail",
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      "width": 120
      "nameXml": "TimeSurchargeManual",
      "alignment": "right",
      "dataType": "timecounter",
      "decimal": 3,
      "description": "Surcharge manual",
      "excludeFromPrinting": "",
      "header": "Surcharge",
      "header2": "",
      "style": {
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        "color": "",
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      "width": 120
      "nameXml": "TimeSurchargePercentage",
      "alignment": "right",
      "dataType": "number",
      "decimal": 2,
      "description": "Percentage surcharge",
      "excludeFromPrinting": "",
      "header": "% Surcharge",
      "header2": "",
      "style": {
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        "color": "",
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      "width": 100
      "nameXml": "TimeSurchargeCalculated",
      "alignment": "right",
      "dataType": "timecounter",
      "decimal": 3,
      "description": "Surcharge calculated",
      "excludeFromPrinting": "",
      "header": "Surcharge Calc.",
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      "alignment": "right",
      "dataType": "timecounter",
      "decimal": 3,
      "description": "Total surcharge",
      "excludeFromPrinting": "",
      "header": "Surcharge total",
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      "alignment": "right",
      "dataType": "timecounter",
      "decimal": 3,
      "description": "Absence for sick leave",
      "excludeFromPrinting": "",
      "header": "Sick",
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      "width": 120
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      "dataType": "timecounter",
      "decimal": 3,
      "description": "Absence for holiday",
      "excludeFromPrinting": "",
      "header": "Holiday",
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      "nameXml": "TimeAbsenceService",
      "alignment": "right",
      "dataType": "timecounter",
      "decimal": 3,
      "description": "Public service",
      "excludeFromPrinting": "",
      "header": "Service",
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      "width": 120
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      "alignment": "right",
      "dataType": "timecounter",
      "decimal": 3,
      "description": "Absence other",
      "excludeFromPrinting": "",
      "header": "Other",
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      "width": 120
      "nameXml": "TimeAbsenceTotal",
      "alignment": "right",
      "dataType": "timecounter",
      "decimal": 3,
      "description": "Absence total",
      "excludeFromPrinting": "",
      "header": "Absence",
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      "width": 180
      "nameXml": "TimeAdjustment",
      "alignment": "right",
      "dataType": "timecounter",
      "decimal": 3,
      "description": "Adjustment",
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      "header": "Adjust.",
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      "width": 120
      "nameXml": "TimeDayTotal",
      "alignment": "right",
      "dataType": "timecounter",
      "decimal": 3,
      "description": "Time day total",
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      "header": "Total",
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      "width": 120
      "nameXml": "TimeDueCode",
      "alignment": "center",
      "dataType": "text",
      "decimal": "",
      "description": "Due code",
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      "header": "Due code",
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      "width": 100
      "nameXml": "TimeDueDay",
      "alignment": "right",
      "dataType": "timecounter",
      "decimal": 3,
      "description": "Due for the day",
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      "header": "Due",
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      "width": 180
      "nameXml": "TimeDifference",
      "alignment": "right",
      "dataType": "timecounter",
      "decimal": 3,
      "description": "Time day difference",
      "excludeFromPrinting": "",
      "header": "Difference",
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      "width": 180
      "nameXml": "TimeProgressive",
      "alignment": "right",
      "dataType": "timecounter",
      "decimal": 3,
      "description": "Progressive balance",
      "excludeFromPrinting": "",
      "header": "Progressive",
      "header2": "",
      "style": {
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        "fontSize": 10,
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        "italic": false
      "visible": true,
      "editable": "",
      "width": 180
      "nameXml": "TimeSplit1",
      "alignment": "right",
      "dataType": "timecounter",
      "decimal": 3,
      "description": "Split 1",
      "excludeFromPrinting": "",
      "header": "Split 1",
      "header2": "",
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        "objectName": "",
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        "fontSize": 10,
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        "italic": false
      "visible": "",
      "editable": true,
      "width": 120
      "nameXml": "TimeSplit2",
      "alignment": "right",
      "dataType": "timecounter",
      "decimal": 3,
      "description": "Split 2",
      "excludeFromPrinting": "",
      "header": "Split 2",
      "header2": "",
      "style": {
        "objectName": "",
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        "color": "",
        "fontSize": 10,
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      "width": 120

Documents table

The Documents table is a common table used for all accounting file types. This table is used to include attachments like images, logos, text documents, HTML codes, Markdown codes, CSS stylesheet codes and Javascript Extensions codes.

FileInfo table

The FileInfo table is a common table used for all accounting file types. In this table the program stores all the information about the currently open file.





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