Troubleshooting Excel add-in for Windows

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The guide below walk you through the Windows troubleshooting step by step.

  1. Download and install the latest version of Banana Accounting Plus for Windows.
  2. Update Windows and Excel.
  3. Open Excel and check you are logged in with your Microsoft account (File → Account → User Information).
  4. Start Banana Accounting web server:
    • Open Banana Accounting Plus.
    • Click on menu Tools > Program Options.
    • Select the tab Interface.
    • Check the options Start Web Server.

      banana accounting web server activation

  5. Edit the BananaPlus web server configuration file:
    • Click on menu Tools > Program Options.
    • Select the tab Advanced.
    • Click on System info button

    • Select the entry Web Server > Settings file path
    • Click on Open path... button

    • Open the file httpconfig.ini
    • Modify the value of property accessControlAllowOrigin to "*"
    • Save the file and restart BananaPlus
  6.  Add a local loopback exemption to Microsoft Edge Web Viewer (see Microsoft documentation , Add-ins and Edge for more information):
    • In the search box enter cmd.

    • On the right side select Run as administrator.

    • Confirm with Yes.

    • Copy and paste the following command:

      CheckNetIsolation LoopbackExempt -a -n="microsoft.win32webviewhost_cw5n1h2txyewy"
    • Press enter to run the command.

    • Close the command prompt.
  7. Change the server URL on the Add-in settings:
    • Start Excel and Banana Accounting Add-in.
    • Click on the Options tab of the Add-in.
    • Select Other as Server information.
    • In the Server URL field enter http://localhost:8081.
    • Click OK to confirm and save the changes.
    • On the Setup tab of the add-in refresh the files list.

      banana excel add-in server url


Note: in case you don't want to use the Excel add-in anymore, you can remove the local loopback exemption at any time with the command:

CheckNetIsolation LoopbackExempt -d -n="microsoft.win32webviewhost_cw5n1h2txyewy"



  • Error Loading Add-in
    You may get this error while trying to install the add-in from the Store. This is due to an authentication issue. To get this solved you need to:
    1. Logout of Microsoft Excel.
    2. Restart Excel and sign in again.
    3. Restart Excel.
    4. Load the add-in.
  • Cannot connect to local web server. Incorrect URL server or Banana Accounting/web server are not running.
    The connection between Banana Accounting and Excel add-in did not occur. Please follow step by step the Troubleshooting for Windows guide on this page.
  • No file is open in Banana Accounting.
    Banana Accounting is working but no file is open. Open at least one file in Banana Accounting.
  • File not selected.
    No file is selected from the files list. Refresh the files list and select one of them.


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