Command line

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Banana can be started by giving a series of command (for a list of command and examples file see below).

Example: open a file
banana90.exe c:\temp\example.ac2


Rule for command line command

  • The arguments need to be preceded by a minus “-” sign. If an argument is missing of the “-” sign, it is interpreted as the name of the file to open.
  • Include the whole argument within the delimiter “…” if the text include whitespace.
  • Running import as command in the command line save the accounting file on exit

If a command fail, than a return code different than 0 is returned, and the error is inserted in the log file (only if the option –log_file was used).


Example: open a file:

banana90.exe c:\temp\example.ac2


Export to xml file

banana90.exe -cmd=export "-cmd_file=c:\temp\my example.ac2" "-cmd_p1=c:\temp\myexample.xml" -cmd_p2=xml -period_begin=2006-01-01 –period_end=2005-03-30

Example: import transactions (use the file name with the proper directory name)
Use also a log so that you know the error

banana90.exe -cmd=import -cmd_file="company.ac2" -cmd_table=Transactions -cmd_p1=import_mov.txt -cmd_exit=1 -log_file=log.txt

For detail information regarding the import of transaction see the page "Importing in txt format".

Available Command

The argument “–cmd=…” specifies the command to be executed. The other arguments specify the option for this command.

The command can be used as a command line  or a DDE request.


The command to execute

  • file_open (cmd_p1=noshow)
  • file_close (cmd_file)
  • file_save (cmd_file)
  • file_saveas (cmd_file, cmd_p1)
  • file_show (cmd_file)
  • get_tableinfo  (cmd_file , cmd_table)
  • get_getcell (cmd_file , cmd_table, cmd_column, cmd_row)
  • get_getline (cmd_file , cmd_table, cmd_column, cmd_row)
  • get_lasterror
  • set_language(cmd_p1)
  • calc_all (cmd_file)
  • calc_simple (cmd_file)
  • deleterows (…)    *)
  • export (…)
  • fileinfo (…)
  • import (…)    *)
  • acc_accountcard (…)
  • acc_externalreport (…)
  • acc_vatreport (…)
  • version.
    Program return the version number and terminate.

1) Running import in the command line save the file on exit;
*) If you use the commands “deleterows” and “import” directly from a command line the file is automatically saved on exit



List of arguments

From command linecmd_exit=1The program should exit and terminate
Note if you use the command import= then the file that has been opened is automatically saved when the program terminate.
nonetworkTurn off all connections to the network (i.e. to check for updates, integrated web-server, ...)
For all commandscmd_file=the file to use or open
cmd_pw=password to open the file

A - Field name in XML

a - Field name in original language (default on)

log_file=set the log file name for writing messages (if no file name no log)
deletelinescmd_p1=start of line to delete (number)
cmd_p2=how many lines to delete (if not present = 1)
cmd_table=The name of table
set_languagecmd_p1=The two letter ISO639 language code (de, fr, en, it)
file_opencmd_p1=noshow – do not show the file
file_saveascmd_p1=file name of saved file
get_tableinfocmd_table=The name of the table to get info
get_getcellcmd_table=The name of the table
cmd_row=The number of the row, or an expression like “Account=1000:3” (In this ex. the third row where the field Account is equal to 1000 is used)
cmd_column=The name of the column
cmd_op=A – Format value (default on)
get_getlinecmd_table=The name of the table
cmd_row=The number of the row, or an expression like “Account=1000:3” (In this ex. the third row where the field Account is equal to 1000 is used)
cmd_op=A – Format value (default on)
exportexport_use_paramInstead of the default parameters use the last saved parameters (set with the dialog)  and then applies the specified options with the other arguments
cmd_p1=file name of the export file
cmd_p2=Type: html, excel, xml
cmd_table=The name of table to export (only the table is exported)


Upper case(A) = on; Lower Case(a) = off

A - Recheck accounting (default on)

B - Include statistics table  (default on)

C - Include transaction table  (default on)

D - Include account table  (default on)

E - Include category table  (default on)

F - Include total table  (default on)

G - Include Exchange rate table  (default on)

H - Inclue Vat code table and vat report  (default on)

I - Include Period Accounts  (default on)

L - Include Period VAT  (default on)

M - Create periods for the whole year  (default off)

N – Create accounts card

export_include_ma=number of months for accounts period, for  option I, (default 1)
-1 for daily
export_include_mv=number of months VAT period, for option L (default 3)
export_include_mm=max numbers of periods (default 36)

Options for html

A - Use style sheet

B - Use predefined style sheet (default on)

C - Include style shett within html file (default on)

D - Export visible fields only (default on)

E - Table with borders (default on)

F - Columns with headers (default on)

G - Preserve page breaks within the table (default on)



Options for Excel export

A - Define cell name  (default on)

B - Define table name (default on)

C - Use Xml names (default on)

D - Protect tables  (default on)


Upper case(A) = on; Lower Case(a) = off

A – Visible field only (default off)

B – Include view list (default off)

period_allperiod All
period_begin=Begin date (yyyy-mm-dd)
period_end=period End date (yyyy-mm-dd)
vat_use_param=Instead of the default parameters use the last saved parameters (set with the dialog)  and then applies the options specified with vat_op

A - Include transactions

B - Include total account

C - Include total codes

D - Include total percentage

E - Use own group schema

F - Only code specified

G - Only group specified

vat_sort=sort field
vat_text=single code or groups (to use with –vat_op F and G)
fileinfocmd_op=A – Recalculate all (default off)
importcmd_p1=File name of the file to import. Data have to be separated by tabulator, and the first row has to contain the name of the fields.
cmd_p2=Insert al line number (0=Append to end)
cmd_op=A - Complete imported raws
cmd_table=The name of table where to insert the data
(Accounts, Transactions, …).
acc_accountcardcmd_p1=account number
cmd_p2=field name for sorting
period_allperiod All (default)
period_begin=Begin date (yyyy-mm-dd)
period_end=period End date (yyyy-mm-dd)
acc_externalreportcmd_p1=file name of the report
cmd_p2=column name for grouping

Upper case(A) = on; Lower Case(a) = off
A - Include account with balance = 0

B - Include account with no transactions

C - Include totals only

D - Notify if an account is without a group

acc_vatreportperiod_allperiod All (default)
period_begin=Begin date (yyyy-mm-dd)
period_end=period End date (yyyy-mm-dd)
vat_use_param=use parameters from existing dialog  + specified options like vat_op

Vat options

Upper case(A) = on; Lower Case(a) = off

A - Include transactions

B - Include total account

C - Include total codes

D - Include total percentage

E - Use own group schema

F - Only code specified

G - Only group specified

H – Not used groups

vat_sort=sort field
vat_text=single code or groups (to use with –vat_op F and G)


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