Mogelijk verschil (van rij: %1 - tot rij: %2)

Deze documentatie is verouderd

De meest volledige en bijgewerkte documentatie is die van Banana Boekhouding Plus: Probeer het nu


The program has found differences in registration rows between the total debit/credit transactions or between the total income/expenses.

The difference is probably between the first (1%) and the last (2%) indicated rows.

  • There are errors in the transactions rows
  • An account is missing or is wrong
  • The total Debit/Credit of a transaction on multiple rows do not compensate
  • There are transactions on multiple rows with different dates
  • A VAT account is missing or is incorrect
  • An incorrect VAT/sales tax code towards the counterparty has been used


Check the rows indicated by the program

  • First of all correct of all shown errors
  • Check and correct the amounts and complete any missing accounts in the transactions.

After correcting all errors recheck the accounting.