Case guide


The most complete and up-to-date documentation is the one of Banana Accounting Plus: Try it now

In this article

Banana Accounting is a versatile accounting software. It can be used for different purposes.

When accounting is mandated by law


  • Required to do double entry accounting
    Double entry accounting, with/without VAT or with/without multicurrency
    • Small companies (10 or more employees).
    • Micro companies (1-9 employees).
    • Companies or other organization with no employees.
      Financial and Holding companies, Foundations, Asset management, Trusts.
  • Required to report Revenue and Expenses.
    • Small companies with revenue less then a specified amount
    • Self employed individuals.

Certified public accountants (CPA)

CPA doing accounting for small businesses usually prefer to use Double entry accounting.

Not for profit organizations

  • Small non profit organization.
    Income and expense accounting or double entry accounting.
  • Entities with institutional and commercial activities.
    Double entry accounting.
  • International NGO
    Double entry accounting with multi-currency.

Public sectors

  • Small public entities.
    Double entry accounting

Private and family accounting

  • Private and Family accounting.
    Income and Expense accounting.
  • Private and Family accounting with international investments.
    Double entry accounting.

Auxiliary accounting

  • Cash and liquidity management.
    Income and Expense accounting.
    • Simple cash manager.
    • Liquidity manager.
      Companies that have a person that keep track of cash and banks.
  • Project and Department accounting.
    Income and Expense accounting.
    • Internal projects within larger organizations.
  • Construction accounting.
    Double entry or Income and Expense accounting.
    • Owners that build a property and keep track of the investment and progress.
    • Contractors or architects that have responsibility of the construction’s project.
  • Property management accounting.
    Income and Expense accounting or Income and Expenses accounting.
    • Owner that mange a rented property.
    • Condominiums.
    • Professionals that manage properties for others.


Banana Accounting is used as a tool to learn and exercise Double Entry Accounting.

  • Basic accounting in low grade school.
  • Introduction to accounting.
    Show how the accounting works, with possibility.
  • Accounting training.
    Students enter transactions (exercises on double entry accounting).
  • Accounting for a virtual company..

Budgeting and financial planning

Use the financial planning functionalities of Banana Accounting.

  • Budgeting.
  • Financial plan for a startup.
  • Retirement planning.

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