Columns - add

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Add / Delete

In the Balance sheet, Profit and Loss Statement and in the Notes, it is possible to add new columns (from the ones included in the list), or to delete the undesired ones. Starting from the Account1 menu -> Enhanced Balance sheet with groups -> Columns -> Advanced button -> Add button.

If one or more options are being activated, the program includes:

Accounting amounts

Amount in the Account currency

The account balances in foreign currencies will also be displayed.


The balances of the current year will be displayed


The Opening balances are being displayed.

Previous (period)

The balances of the previous period are being displayed (month, quarter, semester, etc)

Previous Year

The balances of the previous year are being displayed

YTD (Year To Date)

The balances from the beginning of the year until the last transaction date are being displayed

Budget amounts

Budget (Current period)

The amounts related to the foreseen budget of the current period are being displayed.

Budget Previous

The amounts related to the foreseen budget of the previous period are being displayed.

Budget Previous Year

The amounts related to the foreseen budget of the previous year are being displayed.


