Enhanced Balance Sheet

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In this article
  • The Balance Sheet represents all the Assets, Liabilities, Expenses and Income in a specific moment. The difference between Assets and Liabilities gives the personal capital.
  • The grouping of the accounts is done according to the contents of the BClass column.
  • The Enhanced Balance Sheet, shown in the preview, can be saved in different formats (PDF, HTML, MS Excel) and can be copied in the clipboard.
  • In order to calculate, display and print it at the end of year or the end of a period, activate the Enhanced balance sheet command from the Account1 menu.
  • Transactions without date are being considered as opening transactions and will not appear in the printouts of the Profit & Loss Statement.
  • The following window, in which several printing options can be activated, appears:

Page header

Rows 1 thru 4
In this field, enter texts to use as headers when printing.

Print cover page / Print date / Print page numbers
The activated options will be shown in the print-out.

Column header (Balance / Profit and Loss)
The first two vertical fields refer to the Balance Sheet, the two second ones refer to the Profit and Loss Statement.

Current year
Insert the final date of the current accounting.

Previous year
In this field, enter the final date of the previous year's accounting.

Print pages
By selecting the appropriate cells, it is possible to choose the options that should be activated in the printouts.


Other tabs
The explanations for the other tabs are available at the following pages: Period, Style, Texts, Margins, Composition.


Assets and Liabilities


Expenses and Income
