In this article
This section can vary depending on the settings of the Chart of account - Sections column. Please consult the related document: Sections in the chart of accounts
Depending on the selection, there are different sections with different options:
- those with an asterisk refer to the section's header
- sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 01, 02, 03, 04... refer to the main items of the Balance Sheet
- account sections refer to the selected account
- group sections refer to the selected group
If you select a section with an asterisk, you will have the following options:
Hide section
Click on the section that you wish to hide.
Hide current row
Click on the row that you wish to hide.
Start on new page
Click on the header that you want to have on a new page and activate the option.
Alternative text
Enter an alternative text if you want to have a different one for the selected section or row.
If you select a number section (1, 2, 3, 4.....), there is an extra option:
Group for % calculation (%)
It is possible to indicate which group the % calculation should be based on.
If you select an account section, you will have the following options:
If you select a group section, two extra options, specific for the group, will be shown:
Hide child rows
Activate this option if you do not want to show the selected group's child rows on the Balance sheet.
Show as account
Activate this option if you want the selected group to be show as an account in the Balance sheet.