In dit artikel
To access the Banana Accounting API, you must type the following address into your browser (replace "b8nmr1a" with your password):
- http://localhost:8081/v2?acstkn=b8nmr1a
- (when using the web server with SSL, for example on macOS)
Home page
Show the home page of the web server and enable you to navigate the content of the accounting files.
Return a JSON object with some information about the running application like 'version', 'serial', etc.
{ "isdevchannel": false, "isexperimental": false, "name": "BananaPlus", "osdetails": "Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 14_5_0; en_CH", "osname": "macOS-14.5", "qtversion": "6.5.4", "serial": "100118-240131", "version": "" }
Returns: "100118-240131"
Return a string with the application's version.
/v2/application/version Returns: ""
It is possible to check the required minimum version with the http header "X-Banana-Accept-App-Version" or the query parameter "appver". The http header or the query parameter will contain the required minimum application's version. If the minimum version is not satisfied the server will answer with a http status 406 "Not acceptable", otherwise the result as usual.
/v2/docs&appver=10.1 Returns: ["accounting.ac2", "accounting_2.ac2", ...]
/v2/docs&appver= Returns: ["accounting.ac2", "accounting_2.ac2", ...]
/v2/docs&appver= Returns: 406 "Not acceptable"
If the minimum version 10.1.24 is satisfied, returns the current amount of the 1020 account
otherwise returns "406 Not acceptable"
Note: With Excel Script / Excel Add-ins use the query param "appver" and not the http header "X-Banana-Accept-App-Version". This because Excel Script / Excel Add-ins add an Http OPTIONS call if you set an header, and this is not currently supported in Banana Accounting Plus.
Return the list of opened documents as json array.
/v2/docs Returns: ["accounting.ac2","accounting previous year.ac2", ...]
Document name
Return the list of available http requests for the file doc_name as html page.
To access the previous years files just postfix doc_name with '_p1', '_p2', etc.
Deprecated: To access the previous year file just postfix doc_name with '_previous'.
/v2/doc/accounting.ac2 /v2/doc/accounting.ac2_p1 /v2/doc/accounting.ac2_p2
Return the list of tables in document doc_name as json array.
/v2/doc/accounting.ac2/tablenames Returns: ["Accounting","Transactions", ...]
Table name
Return the content of table table_name in document doc_name as html.
view Contains the the xml name of the view to be returned.
columns Contains the xml names of the columns to be returned.
navigation If set to true the html page navigation is showed, else only the data are showed.
format Contains the format to be returned. Supported formats are 'html' or 'json'. Default is 'html'.
/v2/doc/accounting.ac2/table/Accounts /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/table/Accounts?view=Base /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/table/Accounts?columns=Account,Group,Description,Balance /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/table/Accounts?format=json
Table number rows
Return the number of rows in the table table_name as text.
Return the list of columns as json array.
Cell value (row,column)
Return the value of cell at row row_nr and column col_name as text.
The part row_nr can be a row number starting from 1 or an expression like 'Account=1000' (In this ex. the first row where the field Account is equal to 1000 is used)
The part col_name is the xml name of the requested column.
/v2/doc/accounting.ac2/table/Accounts/row/2/column/Description /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/table/Accounts/row/Account=1000/column/Balance
Rows list
Return the names of row lists present in the table table_name as json array.
/v2/doc/accounting.ac2/table/Transactions/rowlistnames Returns: ["Data","Examples", "Archives", ...]
Row list name
Return the content of the row list rowlist_name in table_name of document doc_name as html.
view Contains the the xml name of the view to be returned.
columns Contains the xml names of the columns to be returned.
navigation If set to true the html page navigation is showed, else only the data are showed.
format Contains the format to be returned. Supported formats are 'html' or 'json'. Default is 'html'.
/v2/doc/accounting.ac2/table/Transactions/rowlist/Examples /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/table/Transactions/rowlist/Examples?view=Base /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/table/Accounts?columns=Account,Group,Description,Balance /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/table/Accounts?format=json
Rowlist number rows
Return the number of rows in the row list rowlist_name of table table_name as text.
Cell value (rowlist,row,column)
Return the value of cell in row list rowlist_name at row row_nr and column col_name as text.
The part row_nr can be a row number starting from 1 or an expression like 'Account=1000' (In this ex. the first row where the field Account is equal to 1000 is used)
The part col_name is the xml name of the requested column.
/v2/doc/accounting.ac2/table/Accounts/row/2/column/Description /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/table/Accounts/row/Account=1000/column/Balance
Accounts list
Return the list of accounts as json array.
/v2/doc/accounting.ac2/accounts Returns: [{"id":"1000","descr":"1000 Cash"}, {"id":"1010","descr":"1000 Post"}, ...]
Description (account or group)
Return the description of the requested account or group as text.
The part col_name is optional, it is the xml name of the requested column. Default is the column 'Description'.
/v2/doc/accounting.ac2/accountdescription/1000 /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/accountdescription/Gr=1 /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/accountdescription/1000/Curreny
Groups list
Return the list of groups as json array.
/v2/doc/accounting.ac2/groups Returns: [{"id":"100","descr":"100 Current Assets"}, ...]
Segments list
Return the list of segments as json array.
/v2/doc/accounting.ac2/segments Returns: [{"id":":lugano","descr":"Lugano"}, ...]
Vat codes list
Return the list of vatcodes as json array.
/v2/doc/accounting.ac2/vatcodes Returns: [{"id":"V80","descr":"V80 Sales and services 8.0%"}, ...]
Vat code description
Return the description of the requested vat code as text.
The part col_name is optional, it is the xml name of the requested column. Default is the column 'Description'.
/v2/doc/accounting.ac2/vatdescription/V80 /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/vatdescription/V80/Gr1
Current balance
Return the current balance of the requested account, group or bclass as text.
To access the balances of the previous year file just postfix doc_name with '_p1', '_p2', ... .
The last part or the url can be one of the followings strings:
- opening
- credit
- debit
- total
- balance
- openingcurrency
- ceditcurrency
- debitcurrency
- totalcurrency
- balancecurrency
- rowcount
period Define the start and end date for the request.
It can contain a period abbreviation like 'Q1' or a start and end date like '2014-01-01/2014-03-31'.
A period abbreviation is defined by a number followed by one of the following charachters:
- M for months
- Q for quarters
- S for semesters
- Y for years
frequency Define the frequency for the request.
The amounts are calculated at the given frequency and returned as an array.
Frequency abbreviation contains one of the following charachters:
- D for daily
- W for weekly
- M for monthly
- Q for quarterly
- S for semesterly
- Y for yearly
filter Contains a javascript expression used to filter the transactions. The object available to the expression are "row", "rowNr", and "table".
For example: filter=row.value("Date")==="2014-01-15"
/v2/doc/accounting.ac2/balance/1000/opening /v2/doc/accounting.ac2_p1/balance/1000/opening /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/balance/1000|1010|1020|1030/opening /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/balance/Gr=6/totalcurrency?period=Q1 /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/balance/Gr=6/totalcurrency?frequency=M /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/balance/Gr=6/totalcurrency?period=M1&frequency=D /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/balance/BClass=1/balance
Budget balance
Return the budget of the requested account, group or bclass as text.
To access the budget balances of the previous year file just postfix doc_name with '_p1', '_p2', ... .
The last part or the url can be one of the followings strings:
- opening
- credit
- debit
- total
- balance
- openingcurrency
- ceditcurrency
- debitcurrency
- totalcurrency
- balancecurrency
- rowcount
period Define the start and end date for the request.
It can contain a period abbreviation like 'Q1' or a start and end date like '2014-01-01/2014-03-31'.
A period abbreviation is defined by a number followed by one of the following charachters:
- M for months
- Q for quarters
- S for semesters
- Y for years
frequency Define the frequency for the request.
The amounts are calculated at the given frequency and returned as an array.
Frequency abbreviation contains one of the following charachters:
- D for daily
- W for weekly
- M for monthly
- Q for quarterly
- S for semesterly
- Y for yearly
filter Contains a javascript expression used to filter the transactions. The object available to the expression are "row", "rowNr", and "table".
For example: filter=row.value("Date")==="2014-01-15"
/v2/doc/accounting.ac2/budget/1000/opening /v2/doc/accounting.ac2_p1/budget/1000/opening /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/budget/1000|1010|1020|1030/opening /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/budget/Gr=6/totalcurrency?period=Q1 /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/budget/Gr=6/totalcurrency?frequency=M /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/budget/BClass=1/balance
Return the calculated interest on the specified account.
rate The interest rate in percentage (ie.: '5', '3.25'). The decimal separator must be a dot '.'. If positive it calculate the interest fo the debit amounts. If negative it calcaulate the interest on the credits amounts.
period Define the start and end date for the request.
It can contain a period abbreviation like 'Q1' or a start and end date like '2014-01-01/2014-03-31'.
A period abbreviation is defined by a number followed by one of the following charachters:
- M for months
- Q for quarters
- S for semesters
- Y for years
frequency Define the frequency for the request.
The amounts are calculated at the given frequency and returned as an array.
Frequency abbreviation contains one of the following charachters:
- D for daily
- W for weekly
- M for monthly
- Q for quarterly
- S for semesterly
- Y for yearly
filter Contains a javascript expression used to filter the transactions. The object available to the expression are "row", "rowNr", and "table".
For example: filter=row.value("Date")==="2014-01-15"
/v2/doc/accounting.ac2/interest/1000?rate=2.5 /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/interest/1000?rate=-8.0 /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/interest/1000?rate=-8.0&period=Q1 /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/interest/1000?rate=-8.0&frequency=Q
Budget interest
Return the calculated interest on the specified account for the budget transactions.
rate The interest rate in percentage (ie.: '5', '3.25'). The decimal separator must be a dot '.'. If positive it calculate the interest fo the debit amounts. If negative it calcaulate the interest on the credits amounts.
period Define the start and end date for the request.
It can contain a period abbreviation like 'Q1' or a start and end date like '2014-01-01/2014-03-31'.
A period abbreviation is defined by a number followed by one of the following charachters:
- M for months
- Q for quarters
- S for semesters
- Y for years
frequency Define the frequency for the request.
The amounts are calculated at the given frequency and returned as an array.
Frequency abbreviation contains one of the following charachters:
- D for daily
- W for weekly
- M for monthly
- Q for quarterly
- S for semesterly
- Y for yearly
filter Contains a javascript expression used to filter the transactions. The object available to the expression are "row", "rowNr", and "table".
For example: filter=row.value("Date")==="2014-01-15"
/v2/doc/accounting.ac2/budgetinterest/1000?rate=2.5 /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/budgetinterest/1000?rate=-8.0 /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/budgetinterest/1000?rate=-8.0&period=Q1 /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/budgetinterest/1000?rate=-8.0&frequency=Q
Return the projection of the requested account, group or bclass as text.
To access the budget balances of the previous year file just postfix doc_name with '_p1', '_p2', ... .
The last part or the url can be one of the followings strings:
- opening
- credit
- debit
- total
- balance
- openingcurrency
- ceditcurrency
- debitcurrency
- totalcurrency
- balancecurrency
- rowcount
projectionstart This parameter is mandatory and define the start date of the projection.
It can contain a period abbreviation like 'Q1' (start at beginnig of) or a date like '2014-07-01'.
period Define the start and end date for the request.
It can contain a period abbreviation like 'Q1', a start and end date like '2014-01-01/2014-03-31' or a list of periods separated by a coma like 'S1,S2,ALL'.
A period abbreviation is defined by a number followed by one of the following charachters:
- M for months
- Q for quarters
- S for semesters
- Y for years
frequency Define the frequency for the request.
The amounts are calculated at the given frequency and returned as an array.
Frequency abbreviation contains one of the following charachters:
- D for daily
- W for weekly
- M for monthly
- Q for quarterly
- S for semesterly
- Y for yearly
filter Contains a javascript expression used to filter the transactions. The object available to the expression are "row", "rowNr", and "table".
For example: filter=row.value("Date")==="2014-01-15"
/v2/doc/accounting.ac2/projection/1000/opening?projectionstart=S1 /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/projection/1000/opening?projectionstart=2014-07-01 /v2/doc/accounting.ac2_p1/projection/1000/opening?projectionstart=S1 /v2/doc/accounting.ac2_p1/projection/1000/opening?projectionstart=S1&frequency=M
Account card
Return the account card of account account_id as html.
view Contains the the xml name of the view to be returned.
columns Contains the xml names of the columns to be returned.
navigation If set to true the html page navigation is showed, else only the data are showed.
period Define the start and end date for the request.
It can contain a period abbreviation like 'Q1' or a start and end date like '2014-01-01/2014-03-31'.
A period abbreviation is defined by a number followed by one of the following charachters:
- M for months
- Q for quarters
- S for semesters
- Y for years
filter Contains a javascript expression used to filter the transactions. The object available to the expression are "row", "rowNr", and "table".
For example: filter=row.value("Date")==="2014-01-15"
format Contains the format to be returned. Supported formats are 'html' or 'json'. Default is 'html'.
/v2/doc/accounting.ac2/accountcard/1000 /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/accountcard/1000?period=Q1 /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/accountcard/1000?period=2014-01-01/2014-03-31 /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/accountcard/1000?filter=row.value("Description").contain("xyz") /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/accountcard/1000?format=json
Budget account card
Return the budget card of account account_id as html.
view Contains the the xml name of the view to be returned.
columns Contains the xml names of the columns to be returned.
navigation If set to true the html page navigation is showed, else only the data are showed.
period Define the start and end date for the request.
It can contain a period abbreviation like '1Q' or a start and end date like '2014-01-01/2014-03-31'.
A period abbreviation is defined by a number followed by one of the following charachters:
- M for months
- Q for quarters
- S for semesters
- Y for years
filter Contains a javascript expression used to filter the transactions. The object available to the expression are "row", "rowNr", and "table".
For example: filter=row.value("Date")==="2014-01-15"
format Contains the format to be returned. Supported formats are 'html' or 'json'. Default is 'html'.
Introduced in
/v2/doc/accounting.ac2/budgetcard/1000 /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/budgetcard/1000?period=Q1 /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/budgetcard/1000?period=2014-01-01/2014-03-31 /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/budgetcard/1000?format=json
Projection account card
Return the projection card of account account_id as html.
view Contains the the xml name of the view to be returned.
columns Contains the xml names of the columns to be returned.
navigation If set to true the html page navigation is showed, else only the data are showed.
projectionstart This parameter is mandatory and define the start date of the projection.
It can contain a period abbreviation like 'Q1' (start at beginnig of) or a date like '2014-07-01'.
period Define the start and end date for the request.
It can contain a period abbreviation like '1Q' or a start and end date like '2014-01-01/2014-03-31'.
A period abbreviation is defined by a number followed by one of the following charachters:
- M for months
- Q for quarters
- S for semesters
- Y for years
filter Contains a javascript expression used to filter the transactions. The object available to the expression are "row", "rowNr", and "table".
For example: filter=row.value("Date")==="2014-01-15"
format Contains the format to be returned. Supported formats are 'html' or 'json'. Default is 'html'.
Introduced in
/v2/doc/accounting.ac2/projectioncard/1000 /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/projectioncard/1000?period=Q1 /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/projectioncard/1000?period=2014-01-01/2014-03-31 /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/projectioncard/1000?format=json
Current Vat balance
Return the current balance of the requested vat code as text.
The last part of the url can be one of the followings strings:
- taxable
- amount
- notdeductible
- posted
- rowcount
period Define the start and end date for the request.
It can contain a period abbreviation like 'Q1' or a start and end date like '2014-01-01/2014-03-31'.
A period abbreviation is defined by a number followed by one of the following charachters:
- M for months
- Q for quarters
- S for semesters
- Y for years
frequency Define the frequency for the request.
The amounts are calculated at the given frequency and returned as an array.
Frequency abbreviation contains one of the following charachters:
- D for daily
- W for weekly
- M for monthly
- Q for quarterly
- S for semesterly
- Y for yearly
filter Contains a javascript expression used to filter the transactions. The object available to the expression are "row", "rowNr", and "table".
For example: filter=row.value("Date")==="2014-01-15"
Budget Vat balance
Return the budget of the requested vat code as text.
The last part or the url can be one of the followings strings:
- taxable
- amount
- notdeductible
- posted
- rowcount
period Define the start and end date for the request.
It can contain a period abbreviation like 'Q1' or a start and end date like '2014-01-01/2014-03-31'.
A period abbreviation is defined by a number followed by one of the following charachters:
- M for months
- Q for quarters
- S for semesters
- Y for years
frequency Define the frequency for the request.
The amounts are calculated at the given frequency and returned as an array.
Frequency abbreviation contains one of the following charachters:
- D for daily
- W for weekly
- M for monthly
- Q for quarterly
- S for semesterly
- Y for yearly
filter Contains a javascript expression used to filter the transactions. The object available to the expression are "row", "rowNr", and "table".
For example: filter=row.value("Date")==="2014-01-15"
Vat code account card
Return the account card of the vat code vat_code as html.
view Contains the the xml name of the view to be returned.
columns Contains the xml names of the columns to be returned.
navigation If set to true the html page navigation is showed, else only the data are showed.
period Define the start and end date for the request.
It can contain a period abbreviation like 'Q1' or a start and end date like '2014-01-01/2014-03-31'.
A period abbreviation is defined by a number followed by one of the following charachters:
- M for months
- Q for quarters
- S for semesters
- Y for years
filter Contains a javascript expression used to filter the transactions. The object available to the expression are "row", "rowNr", and "table".
For example: filter=row.value("Date")==="2014-01-15"
format Contains the format to be returned. Supported formats are 'html' or 'json'. Default is 'html'.
/v2/doc/accounting.ac2/vatcard/V80 /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/vatcard/V0|V25|V80 /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/vatcard/V80?period=Q1 /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/vatcard/V80?period=2014-01-01/2014-03-31 /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/vatcard/V80?filter=row.value("Description").contain("xyz") /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/vatcard/V80?format=json
Vat code projection
Return the projection of the requested vat code as text.
The last part or the url can be one of the followings strings:
- taxable
- amount
- notdeductible
- posted
- rowcount
projectionstart This parameter is mandatory and define the start date of the projection.
It can contain a period abbreviation like 'Q1' (start at beginnig of) or a date like '2014-07-01'.
period Define the start and end date for the request.
It can contain a period abbreviation like 'Q1' or a start and end date like '2014-01-01/2014-03-31'.
A period abbreviation is defined by a number followed by one of the following charachters:
- M for months
- Q for quarters
- S for semesters
- Y for years
frequency Define the frequency for the request.
The amounts are calculated at the given frequency and returned as an array.
Frequency abbreviation contains one of the following charachters:
- D for daily
- W for weekly
- M for monthly
- Q for quarterly
- S for semesterly
- Y for yearly
filter Contains a javascript expression used to filter the transactions. The object available to the expression are "row", "rowNr", and "table".
For example: filter=row.value("Date")==="2014-01-15"
/v2/doc/accounting.ac2/vatprojection/V80?startdate=2016-18-31 /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/vatprojection/V80/balance?startdate=Q3
Accounting report
Return the accounting report for the document doc_name as html.
view Contains the the xml name of the view to be returned.
columns Contains the xml names of the columns to be returned.
navigation If set to true the html page navigation is showed, else only the data are showed.
period Define the start and end date for the request.
It can contain a period abbreviation like '1Q' or a start and end date like '2014-01-01/2014-03-31'.
A period abbreviation is defined by a number followed by one of the following charachters:
- M for months
- Q for quarters
- S for semesters
- Y for years
subdivision Define the period subdivision for the request .A period subdivision is defined by one of the following charachters:
- M for monthly subdivision
- Q for quarter sudbivision
- S for semester subdivision
- Y for year subdivision
format Contains the format to be returned. Supported formats are 'html' or 'json'. Default is 'html'.
/v2/doc/accounting.ac2/accreport /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/accreport?period=Q1 /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/accreport?subdivision=Q /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/accreport?format=json
Vat report
Return the vat report for the document doc_name as html.
view Contains the the xml name of the view to be returned.
columns Contains the xml names of the columns to be returned.
navigation If set to true the html page navigation is showed, else only the data are showed.
period Define the start and end date for the request.
It can contain a period abbreviation like '1Q' or a start and end date like '2014-01-01/2014-03-31'.
A period abbreviation is defined by a number followed by one of the following charachters:
- M for months
- Q for quarters
- S for semesters
- Y for years
format Contains the format to be returned. Supported formats are 'html' or 'json'. Default is 'html'.
/v2/doc/accounting.ac2/vatreport /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/vatreport?period=Q3 /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/vatreport?format=json
Return the journal for the document doc_name as html.
columns Contains the xml names of the columns to be returned.
navigation If set to true the html page navigation is showed, else only the data are showed.
format Contains the format to be returned. Supported formats are 'html' or 'json'. Default is 'html'.
/v2/doc/accounting.ac2/journal /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/journal?format=json
Start period date
Return the start date in the form of 'YYYY-MM-DD'.
period Define the period for the request.
It can contain a period abbreviation like '1Q' or be empry. If period is not present or empty the accounting start date is returned.
A period abbreviation is defined by a number followed by one of the following charachters:
- M for months
- Q for quarters
- S for semesters
- Y for years
See also endPeriod.
Introduced in
/v2/doc/accounting.ac2/startperiod /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/startPeriod?period=3Q
End period date
Return the end date in the form of 'YYYY-MM-DD'.
period Define the period for the request.
It can contain a period abbreviation like '1Q' or be empry. If period is not present or empty the accounting end date is returned.
A period abbreviation is defined by a number followed by one of the following charachters:
- M for months
- Q for quarters
- S for semesters
- Y for years
See also startPeriod.
Introduced in
/v2/doc/accounting.ac2/endPeriod /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/endperiod?period=3Q
Info table
Return the info table as html.
columns Contains the xml names of the columns to be returned.
navigation If set to true the html page navigation is showed, else only the data are showed.
format Contains the format to be returned. Supported formats are 'html' or 'json'. Default is 'html'.
/v2/doc/accounting.ac2/info /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/info?format=json
Info value
Return the info value section:id as text.
Document info
Return the infos of document doc_name as json object.
/v2/doc/accounting.ac2/infos Returns: [{"section":"Base", "id":"FileInfo", "value":""},{"section":"Base", "id":"Date", "value":"2014-05-13"}, ...]
Return the list of message as a json array
recheck If set to 'yes' a 'Recheck accounting' is executed.
Messages number
Return the number of error messages in the accounting file.
recheck If set to 'yes' a 'Recheck accounting' is executed.
WWW app
Return the www app app_name as a html page. Www apps are a showcase of the powerfull capability of the http api.
A www app is just a html page stored under '{program_folder}/WWW' that is returned by this request. Currently banana accounting has the app "Charts" that permit to display charts of accounts, and the app "Dashboard" that show an overview of the accounting.
/v2/doc/accounting.ac2/apps/charts /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/apps/dashboard
Javascript file
Return a javascript file tha define an object oriented interface to access the webserver. With this interface the http requests are hidden behind the object's methods and properties. Methods and properties follow the schema of the BananaApps API. All the request are synchronous.
/v2/doc/accounting.ac2/bananaapiv2.js /v2/doc/accounting.ac2/charts/bananaapiv2.js // note: only the name is checked and not the path
App data
The request appdata permit to save and restore parameters.
GET /v2/appdata/chart_xyz // return the data chart_xyz PUT /v2/appdata/chart_xyz // save some data, the data are sent as body of the request DELETE /v2/appdata/chart_xyz // delete the data chart_xyz
App data form
The request return a form that permit to create, modify or delete app data.
File name
The request return the file file_name stored in the folder user data.
Windows: "C:/Users/{user_name}/AppData/Local/"
Mac: "/Users/{user_name}/Library/Application Support/"
Linux: "/home/{user_name}/.local/share/data/"
Help page
Show the help page (this page) of the web server.
Execute javascript
Execute the script scriptfile.
scriptfile Define the path of the script to be executed.The path can be an absolute path or a path relative to the user's document directory.
ac2file Define the name of an opened document to be passed to the script. It is optional.
indata Contains text data to be passed to the script. It is optional.
/v2/script?scriptfile=getresults.js /v2/script?scriptfile=getresults.js&ac2file=accounting.ac2
Web server settings
Show the settings of the web server.