Reports by Categories and Companies

In this article


The extension takes the following information that you have defined in the file properties:

  • Header left: Indicates for example the area, or the city with the mapping where the work will be performed.
  • Header right: Indicates the project title.
  • Opening/Closing Date: Indicates when the project started or when it will be concluded.

When the extension is launched, a dialog window appears in which you can define the columns you want to display. For example, you can initially decide to show in the report only the columns of the estimate budget and the assignments , and then add the columns of the expenses later.

Constructions settings dialog

Report by Category

Inside the first table, the report shows the expenses divided by cost category, all the categories you have defined in the Categories table are included.

The columns you can view are as follows:

  • Category: Name of the category, taken directly from the Categories table.
  • Progress %: Resumes the last recorded work completion percentage, attributed to a specific category.
  • Estimate Budget: This is the amount defined in the Estimate Budget column in the categories table.
  • Assignments : Assignments are defined in the "Budget" table.
  • Diff. Assign./Budg.:  It is the difference between the assigned amounts and the budget, if the assigned amounts are less than the budget, it means that the costs will be lower than initially estimated budget, in this case a green icon is shown, if the assign is greater than the budget instead, then the icon appears red, if the amount is equal it remains yellow.
  • Expenses: They are the actual expenses recorded in the transactions table.
  • Diff. Exp./Budg.: This is the difference between the actual expenses and the estimate budget; if the estimate budget is greater than the expenses, then a green icon is shown because the actual expenses were less than the budgeted amount for that work. If the amounts are equal, then the icon remains yellow.
  • Diff. Exp./Assign.: This is the difference between the actual expenses and the assigned amounts, if the assignments are greater than the expenses, then a green icon is shown as the actual expenses were less than the assigned amount for that work. If the amounts are equal, then the icon remains yellow.

Report: category section

Report by Company

The second table shows the expenses divided by company, the companies are defined in the Accounts table.

The columns you can view are as follows:

  • Company: Company name, taken from the account table.
  • Progress %: Resumes the last recorded work completion percentage, attributed to a specific company.
  • Assignments : The assignments are defined in the "Budget" table, make sure you have assigned a company to the assignments , otherwise no amount will be displayed (see template).
  • Expenses:  These are the actual expenses recorded in the transactions table.
  • Diff. Exp./Del.: This is the difference between the actual expenses and the assigned amounts for each company, if the assignments are greater than the expenses, then a green icon is shown as the actual expenses were less than the assigned amount for that work. If the amounts are equal, then the icon remains yellow.

Report: company section

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